Promise Vtrak Efd For Mac

With large VTrak deployments worldwide, enterprise users have come to rely on PROMISE VTrak to protect their valuable data. The PROMISE VTrak x30 Series RAID subsystem supports attachment of up to nine VTrak x30 Series expansion chassis, providing 96TB of raw capacity using 4TB SAS drives for high-capacity storage applications such as tiered storage, disk-to-disk backup, or archive. Promise VTrak E610f without a Fiber Switch? - Storage support forum for discussions on the latest in data storage. Some technologies covered are: video editing, backup and recovery, video archiving, in the cloud or over the network, and SSDs. The Promise VTrak D5000 is optimized for 10Gb Ethernet via SMB/NFS protocols for large file data ingesting, streaming, or processing between the VTrak D5000 NAS storage appliance and its clients. Data can also be directly transferred between the VTrak D5000 appliance and clients over the SAN via iSCSI/Fibre Channel network.

  1. Promise Vtrak Efd For Machine Learning
  2. Promise Vtrak Efd For Mac Os

Hello Paradeshi:

Promise Vtrak Efd For Machine Learning

It is possible to have multiple computers accessing the VTrak at the same time. If you have a dual port card in your Mac, you will need to connect each computer to both controllers in the back of the VTrak. Each controller will have 4 fiber channel ports. This should allow for both computers to see the volume.

Promise vtrak m500i

NOTE: The VTrak does not control which computer has read and write access to the volume. If both computers have direct access to the volume, it will cause corruption. You will need SAN software to manage write access to the volume to prevent this. A couple of examples for SAN Software are XSan or SANmp.

The other route you can go is to have a volume isolated to each server. This will prevent the computers from overwriting the same areas of data that can cause the corruption.

Promise Vtrak Efd For Mac

If you would like more information about setting up the VTrak to work with multiple hosts, you can call Promise Technical Support at 1 (408) 228-1500. Our VTrak line is open 24x7.

Best Regards

Promise vtrak efd for machinePromise



Promise Technical Support

Promise Vtrak Efd For Mac Os

Apr 27, 2013 6:01 PM