Bmp Editor

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Usenti is a simple bitmap editor for paletted images, it is the result of me being completely fed up with the lack of dec^H^H^Hany palette support in Paint, and finding the bigger photo applications a little too big for comfort. The basic toolset is very similar to MS-Paint, but often less annoying. The various palette/color manipulation tools like the palette-bar palette swapper, and variable zooms and gridlines can make drawing basic things a lot easier.

In this video, I'm going to show you how to make a 3x3 BMP image using nothing but paint, notepad and a hex editor plugin. This was done for one of my clas. Bitmap Editor free download - HxD Hex Editor, Photo Editor, Power Tab Editor, and many more programs.

The main drive for Usenti has always been for use in GBA development. As such, it has a good exporter to GBA-usable formats. The same one as in grit in fact, so I'll refer you to that for further details.


Usenti downloads

Bmp Editor Freeware

Current version: 1.7.10.

  • 20080614: binary:
  • 20080614: binary:
  • 20071028: binary:
  • 20070418: binary:
  • 20060827: binary:

As well as adding image fills and images from data sources to existing layers, you can also add regular bitmap images into your Sketch documents.

Inserting Images

Free Bmp Editor

Bmp editor windows 10

To insert an image into your document, drag it straight from the Finder or Desktop, or choose Insert > Image…

Bmp Editor Linux

Replacing Images

If you’ve resized and styled an image layer in your document, but want to replace the image itself, select it and choose Layer > Image > Replace….

Bmp Editor Online

Reducing Image Size

Bmp editor free

Adding lots of images into your document will increase its file size and slow Sketch down. To help with this, you can reduce the size of your images by choosing Layer > Image > Minimize File Size.

Editing Bitmap Images

Sketch has a small selection of bitmap image editing tools. To use them, select an image on your Canvas and then double-click on it to enter the editing mode. From there, you can choose from two tools in the Inspector:

  • Selection : Lets you select a rectangular area on the image.
  • Magic Wand : Lets you click and drag anywhere on the image to select a specific area. The further drag, the greater the selection tolerance.

When you’ve made a selection, hold to add additional selections or hold to subtract from your selection. You can also use the following tools:

  • Invert : Flips your selection, so the unselected area is now selected.
  • Crop : Crops your layer to only include the selection.
  • Fill : Fills the selection with a color from the color popover.

When you’re done editing, click outside the image, or press Esc or Enter.

Bmp Editor Android

You can also make basic, non-destructive color adjustments to your image using the Color Adjust panel in the Inspector. Simply select the image you want to edit and then move the slider to adjust hue, saturation, brightness and contrast.